
Showing posts from July, 2020

Language of Anatomy

Language of Anatomy Basic terms which are important in medical field for 1st year students. There are various terms in relation to various regions and movements which are described below. Terms used in relation to Trunk  * Ventral or Anterior is the front of trunk. * Dorsal or Posterior is the back of trunk. * Medial is a plane close to the median plane. * Lateral is the plane away from the median plane. * Proximal/Cranial/Superior is close to the head end of trunk. * Distal/Caudal/Inferior is close to the lower end of trunk. * Superficial is close to skin/ towards the surface of body. * Deep is away from skin/ away from surface of body. * Ipsilateral on the same side of the body as another structure. * Contraleteral on opposite side of body from another structure. * Invagination is projection inside. * Evagination is projection outside. Terms used in relation to upper limb *Ventral or Anterior is the front aspect. * Dorsal or Posterior is the back aspect. * Medial border lies along th