Language of Anatomy

Language of Anatomy

Basic terms which are important in medical field for 1st year students. There are various terms in relation to various regions and movements which are described below.

Terms used in relation to Trunk 

* Ventral or Anterior is the front of trunk.
* Dorsal or Posterior is the back of trunk.
* Medial is a plane close to the median plane.
* Lateral is the plane away from the median plane.
* Proximal/Cranial/Superior is close to the head end of trunk.
* Distal/Caudal/Inferior is close to the lower end of trunk.
* Superficial is close to skin/ towards the surface of body.
* Deep is away from skin/ away from surface of body.
* Ipsilateral on the same side of the body as another structure.
* Contraleteral on opposite side of body from another structure.
* Invagination is projection inside.
* Evagination is projection outside.

Terms used in relation to upper limb

*Ventral or Anterior is the front aspect.
* Dorsal or Posterior is the back aspect.
* Medial border lies along the little finger , medial border of forearm and arm.
* Lateral border follows the thumb, lateral border of forearm and arm.
* Proximal is close to root of limb.
* Distal is away from the root.
* Palmer aspect is the front of the palm.
* Dorsal aspect of hand is on the back of palm. 
* Flexor aspect is front of upper limb.
* Extensor aspect is back of upper limb.

Terms used in relation to lower limb

*Posterior aspect is the back of lower limb.
* Anterior aspect is front of lower limb.
* Medial border lies along the big toe or hallux, medial border of leg and thigh.
* Lateral border lies along the little toe, lateral border of leg and thigh.
* Flexor aspect is back of lower limb.
* Extensor aspect is front of lower limb.
* Proximal is close to the root of limb, while distal is away from it.

Other important terms

* Flexion : When two flexor surfaces are brought close to each other.
* extension : When extensor or dorsal surfaces are brought in as much approximation as possible.
* Abduction : When limb is taken away from the body.
* Adduction : When limb is brought close to the body.
* Circumduction : It is a movement of distal  end of a part of the body in a circle.
* Medial rotation : When the arm rotates medially bringing the flexed forearm across the chest.
* Lateral rotation When arm rotates laterally taking the flexed forearm away from the body.
* Supination : When the palm is facing forwards or upwards, as in putting food in the mouth.
* Pronation : When the palm faces backwards or downwards, as in picking food with fingers from the plate.
* Adduction of fingers: When all the fingers get together.
* Abduction : When all fingers separate. 
* Opposition of thumb: when tip of thumb touches the tips of any of the fingers.
* Circumduction of thumb : Movement of extension, abduction, flexion and adduction in sequence.
* Protraction : when lower jaw slides forwards in its socket in the temporal bone of skull.
* Retraction : When lower jaw slides backwards in its socket in the temporal bone of the skull.

Terms used for describing muscles

* Origin : The end of muscle which is relatively fixed during its contraction.
* Insertion: the end of muscle which moves during its contraction.
* Belly: The fleshy and contractile part of muscle.
* Tendon: The fibrous non contractile and cord like part of a muscle.
* Aponeurosis : The flattened tendon.
* Raphe: A fibrous band made up of interdigitating fibres of the tendons or aponeurosis.

The terms used here are important for medical field. And these terms are taken from the handbook of general anatomy written by B. D. Chaurasia. I will post about important topics for medical students make sure you follow my blog and if you have questions ask in the comment section. 
Thank you.
